French prosecutors are set to make a decision regarding the fate of Pavel Durov, the CEO of messaging app Telegram, at 20:00 CET on Wednesday. Durov was detained in Paris on Saturday as part of a judicial inquiry involving alleged criminal violations including child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, and fraud. The Paris prosecutor’s office extended his police custody order until Wednesday, after which authorities must release or charge him. If charged, Durov’s flight risk, due to holding multiple nationalities, will be a factor in determining possible pretrial detention.
Durov’s arrest has sparked international outrage with Russian government officials calling it politically motivated. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Moscow is ready to provide support to Durov as a Russian citizen. Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised France for being strict against those who violate Internet governance, despite the Telegram being officially banned in Iran. French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that Durov’s arrest was part of an independent investigation, not a political move.
Telegram, in a statement, reaffirmed its commitment to abiding by EU laws and improving moderation standards. The platform disputed the notion that the platform or its owner are responsible for abuse, stating that almost a billion users globally rely on Telegram for communication and information. Durov, who also holds UAE nationality, received support from the UAE Foreign Ministry, requesting France to provide him with necessary consular services urgently. The situation remains tense as Durov’s fate hangs in the balance until the prosecutor’s decision.
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